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Metadata Filter

Results of visually similar product recommendations could be filtered based on the product metadata. For information that can be used as a filter, refer to Product Metadata.

Metadata Filter Request

  • Set as a key-value style JSON object within metadataFilter field in the request body.
  • A condition consists of an operator and a value.
  • If two or more operators are included, it is recognized as an AND condition.


"metadataFilter": {
"productName" : { "in" : ["skirt", "pants"] },
"originPrice" : {
"ge": 10,
"le" : 100,
"in" : "#산뜻한"


The available operators are as follows: there are restrictions on the types that can be used for each operator.

OperatorMeaningString TypeNumber TypeDate Type
inin (inclusive relationship)OOO
likesimilar relationshipOXX

eq (=)

Example: products that productName is skirt

query string (GET Method)


body (POST Method)

"metadataFilter": {
"productName" : { "eq" : "skirt" }

ne ( \neq)

Example: products that productName is not skirt

query string (GET Method)


body (POST Method)

"metadataFilter": {
"productName" : { "ne" : "skirt" }

ge (≥)

Example: Products that originPrice is greater or equal than 100

query string (GET Method)


body (POST Method)

"metadataFilter": {
"originPrice" : { "ge" : 100 }

gt (>)

Example: Products that originPrice is greater than 100

query string (GET Method)


body (POST Method)

"originPrice" : { "gt" : 100 }

le (≤)

Example: Products that originPrice is less or equal than 100

query string (GET Method)


body (POST Method)

"metadataFilter": {
"originPrice" : { "le" : 100 }

lt (<)

Example: Products that originPrice is less than 100

query string (GET Method)


body (POST Method)

"metadataFilter": {
"originPrice" : { "lt" : 100 }


Example: Products that productName is skirt or pants

query string (GET Method)


body (POST Method)

"metadataFilter": {
"productName" : { "in" : ["skirt", "pants"] }


Example: Products that productName contains skirt

query string (GET Method)


body (POST Method)

"metadataFilter": {
"productName" : { "like" : "skirt" }

More Complex Example

Example: Products that productName is skirt or pants, originPrice is 10 or more and 100 or less, and tag contains #fresh

query string



"metadataFilter": {
"productName" : { "in" : ["skirt", "pants"] },
"originPrice" : {
"ge": 10,
"le" : 100,
"in" : "#fresh"