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Product metadata

Various product information owned by customers could be managed and utilized with our AI solutions as metadata along with image attribute information within a workspace.

In addition to the information defined below, if there is more product-related information to be delivered, it is possible to ask us to add it.

Basic Information

Field NameData TypeDescription
productNameStringname of product
brandStringname of brand
productNumberNumberProduct Code
When using the styling recommendation API, it is recommended to input of ([MALE] or [FEMALE]). If you want to use gender as common, insert [MALE, FEMALE]


In case of Styling Recommendation is not used

"metadata": {
"productName": "new wide slacks",
"gender": ["male", "female"],
"brand": "Brand name"

In case of Styling Recommendation is used

For more clear recommendation results, enter only one of [MALE, FEMALE, UNISEX] as shown below.

"metadata": {
"productName": "new wide slacks",
"gender": ["MALE"],
"brand": "Brand name"

Price Information

Field NameData TypeDescription
discountPercentNumberdiscount ratio
discountPriceNumberdiscounted price
salesPriceNumbersales price
mobilePriceNumbersales price in mobile
originPriceNumberoriginal price
memberPriceNumbersales price for members
currencyStringcurrency (e.g. KRW, USD)

Detailed information

Field NameData TypeDescription
reviewScoreNumberreview score
reviewCountNumbercount of review comments
montlyPurchaseNumbermonthly purchase quantity
viewsNumberview count(1 month)
cumulativeSalesNumbercumulative sales quantity
likeCountNumberlike count
branceOfficeList[String]branch office