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Tagging Result Object (2022-08)


idStringUnique ID for the attribute
NameStringName of the attribute (Applied language pack)
ConfidenceNumberConfidence value from the Model

Tag information by type


categoryObjectObject containing the category information
├ category.idStringUnique ID for the category
├.category.nameStringName of the category (Applied language pack)
positionObjectThe information of the center position of the detected product
├ position.xNumberThe x-axis coordinate of the center position of the product
└ position.yNumberThe y-axis coordinate of the center position of the product
itemTagInfoitem information
lengthTagInfolength information
sleeveLengthTagInfosleeveLength information
neckLineTagInfoneckLine information
fitTagInfofit information
shapeTagInfoshape information
colorsList[TagInfo]]color information
printsList[TagInfo]]print information
texturesList[TagInfo]]texture information
detailsList[TagInfo]]detail information
looksList[TagInfo]]look information


categoryObjectObject containing the category information
├ category.idStringUnique ID for the category
├.category.nameStringName of the category (Applied language pack)
positionObjectThe information of the center position of the detected product
├ position.xNumberThe x-axis coordinate of the center position of the product
└ position.yNumberThe y-axis coordinate of the center position of the product
shoesPairIntegerThe index that is indicating whether the product is the same (shoes only) If multiple shoes exist in one image, each shoe provides shoePair between 0 and 100.
When the model recognizes it as the same shoe, have the same shoesPair value.
itemTagInfoitem information
heelHeightTagInfoheelHeight information
toeTypeTagInfotoeType information
heelShapeTagInfoheelShape information
soleTypeTagInfosoleType information
colorsList[TagInfo]]color information
printsList[TagInfo]]print information
texturesList[TagInfo]]texture information
detailsList[TagInfo]]detail information


categoryObjectObject containing the category information
├ category.idStringUnique ID for the category
├.category.nameStringName of the category (Applied language pack)
positionObjectThe information of the center position of the detected product
├ position.xNumberThe x-axis coordinate of the center position of the product
└ position.yNumberThe y-axis coordinate of the center position of the product
itemTagInfoitem information
shapeTagInfoshape information
strapTagInfostrap information
sizeTagInfosize information
colorsList[TagInfo]]color information
printsList[TagInfo]]print information
texturesList[TagInfo]]texture information
detailsList[TagInfo]]detail information


categoryObjectObject containing the category information
├ category.idStringUnique ID for the category
├.category.nameStringName of the category (Applied language pack)
positionObjectThe information of the center position of the detected product
├ position.xNumberThe x-axis coordinate of the center position of the product
└ position.yNumberThe y-axis coordinate of the center position of the product
itemTagInfoitem information
colorsList[TagInfo]]color information
printsList[TagInfo]]print information
texturesList[TagInfo]]texture information
detailsList[TagInfo]]detail information


categoryObjectObject containing the category information
├ category.idStringUnique ID for the category
├.category.nameStringName of the category (Applied language pack)
positionObjectThe information of the center position of the detected product
├ position.xNumberThe x-axis coordinate of the center position of the product
└ position.yNumberThe y-axis coordinate of the center position of the product
itemTagInfoitem information
lengthTagInfolength information
colorsList[TagInfo]]color information
detailsList[TagInfo]]detail information
mainMaterialList[TagInfo]]mainMaterial information
subMaterialList[TagInfo]]subMaterial information


categoryObjectObject containing the category information
├ category.idStringUnique ID for the category
├.category.nameStringName of the category (Applied language pack)
positionObjectThe information of the center position of the detected product
├ position.xNumberThe x-axis coordinate of the center position of the product
└ position.yNumberThe y-axis coordinate of the center position of the product
itemTagInfoitem information
colorsList[TagInfo]]color information
printsList[TagInfo]]print information
texturesList[TagInfo]]texture information
detailsList[TagInfo]]detail information