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Connecting Solutions to Workspace

After creating a new Workspace, you need to configure the solutions to be used in that Workspace. In this page, we will explain how to configure the solutions to be used in a newly created Workspace and how to change the solutions after creation.

Setting solutions after creating a new Workspace

You can select and connect the solutions to use when creating a new Workspace.

  • In a Test Workspace, you can select and use all solutions.
  • In a regular Workspace, you can only select and use the solutions that you have contracted for. (For contract inquiries:
  • If the data connection is through an API, you need to connect the solution API key to use it. (↗️ See solution integration guide)

Changing the solutions configured in a Workspace

To add or change the solutions connected to a Workspace after they have already been configured, you need to proceed with the change through the Workspace Management menu.

  • GNB Workspace Menu > Workspace Management > Edit Modify
Workspace Configuration
Edit Workspace