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Personalized Recommendations

Omnious's personalized recommendation is a recommendation solution that increases customer conversion rates in various domains such as fashion, beauty, and living, based on user behavioral data and advanced image analysis technology.

Benefits of OMNICOMMERCE Personalized Recommendations Solution

  • Optimized for improving click-through rates, conversion rates, and revenue growth.
  • Analysis of recommendation performance based on various segments such as the position of the recommendation area, types of solutions, and user segmentation.

Features of Omnious Personalized Recommendation Solution

  • Precise personalized recommendations using rich attribute tags:
    • OMNIOUS.AI's personalized recommendation solution utilizes detailed attribute information of each product recognized by Tagging AI.
    • By utilizing detailed attribute information of products, it recognizes and recommends products that each user would prefer at the attribute level.
  • Various forms of personalized recommendations:
    • In addition to general personalized recommendations, it provides personalized styling recommendations that offer personalized style coordination and personalized similar item recommendations that recommend the most suitable items for users based on the products they are viewing.
    • It allows setting the context of personalized recommendation products beyond a simple list of high-converting products.
  • Optimizing recommendations through A/B testing:
    • You can analyze recommendation performance metrics in various segments and settings and configure recommendations that work optimally for your target segments.

Types of Personalized Recommendation Solutions

  • Personalized Similar Item Recommendations:
    • Analyzes product images to recommend similar items. This solution goes beyond recommending visually similar products and instead analyzes the user's previous purchase history and behavioral patterns to recommend similar items with a high likelihood of purchase based on factors such as price, brand, and attributes. It increases individual users' conversion rates.
  • Personalized Styling Recommendations:
    • Recommends products that complement specific items in a user's outfit.
    • By analyzing individual users' previous purchase history and behavioral patterns, it recommends products that best match the items they have previously purchased. This improves revisit rates and repurchase rates.
    • By recommending personalized products that can be purchased together on the screen that each user is viewing, it increases conversion rates and average order value.
  • General Personalized Recommendations:
    • This solution is applicable to all areas of e-commerce and provides recommended products to optimize custom metrics desired by customers, such as click-through rates and conversion rates.
    • The recommended products are selected by AI, which analyzes user's purchase/history and behavior patterns within the e-commerce platform, as well as attributes of related products, to optimize the desired metrics.

How to Use Personalized Recommendations

To use the personalized recommendation solution, please follow the steps below:

  1. Event setup:
    • Configure user behavior events to be collected within your e-commerce platform, enabling the personalized recommendation AI model to recommend the most suitable products to individuals.
    • Set up events in the Analytics section of the OMNICOMMERCE. ↗️ Analytics Integration
  2. SDK/API integration for event collection:
  3. Integration of product data:
  4. Integration of Personalized Recommendation API:
    • Connect your solution by verifying the API key of the personalized recommendation solution.
    • Obtaining recommendation results using the Personalized Recommendation API: ↗️ Personalized Recommendation API Guide ↗️ Personalized Recommendation API

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