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Record the event. In OMNICOMMERCE's Performance menu, you can analyze the information based on the tracked data and view the results.

OpmIO.event(eventName, eventOption);
eventNamestringName of the event
eventOptionobject or string[]Allows you to provide additional information about the event. (See: [EventOption])

💡 example

Please refer to the details below for specific options.

// object
OpmIO.event('eventName', {
workspaceId: 'your_workspace_id',
solutionId: 'your_solution_id',
productPrice: 10000
// array
workspaceId: 'your_workspace_id',
solutionId: 'your_solution_id',
productId: 'a',
productPrice: 10000
workspaceId: 'your_workspace_id',


add_to_wishlistEvent-triggered when a product is added to a wishlist (favorites) or similar
add_to_cartEvent-triggered when a product is added to the shopping cart
purchase_clickEvent-triggered when the purchase button is clicked on the page
transactionEvent-triggered when a final purchase is made
result_loadEvent triggered when a product recommendation is requested and received in the recommendation section of the page
recommend_clickEvent-triggered when a recommended product is clicked in the recommendation area on the page.
recommend_viewEvent-triggered when the recommendation area is initially displayed on the page (applies when the recommendation area is first displayed upon scrolling)
detail_page_viewEvent triggered when a user visit a detail page of a product
home_page_viewEvent triggered when a user visit a home page of an e-commerce
cart_page_viewEvent triggered when a user visit a cart page
category_page_viewEvent triggered when a user visit a category page
search_result_page_viewEvent triggered when a user search a specific keyword and visit a search result page


You can provide additional information required for event analysis as optional options.

userIdstringActual customer id (e.g.,
userAgestringUser's Age
userGenderstringUser's Gender
workspaceIdstringUsed workspace id
solutionIdstringOMNICOMMERCE solution id (See: solutionid)
productIdstringProduct id
productNamestringProduct name
productPricenumberProduct price
productGenderstringProduct gender
brandNamestringBrand name
suggestQueryIdstringOMNICOMMERCE recommended query id
suggestProductIdsstring[]List of OMNICOMMERCE recommended product ids
placementstringThe page where the event occurred
(main page, product detail page, product listing page, etc.)
labelstringKeywords for event tracking or analysis
productLikeCountnumberLike count of product
productReviewCountnumberReview count of product
productReviewScorenumberReview score of product
strategystringrecommendation strategy
extraobjectA key-value formatted object for adding any additional data you want to include

Solution ID

Currently, the following Solution IDs are supported.

CSRCHCamera Search
VRCMDVisual Recommendations
SRCMDStyling Recommendation
TAGGAutomated Product Tagging
IMMODImage Moderation